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 Readme for:  Driver » Storage » diskimage.ppc-aros.tar.bz2


Description: Disk image device (adf,dms,iso,...)
Download: diskimage.ppc-aros.tar.bz2       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 764kb
Version: 52.32
Date: 31 Aug 12
Author: Fredrik Wikstrom
Submitter: Fredrik Wikstrom
Email: fredrik/a500 org
Category: driver/storage
Replaces: driver/storage/diskimage.ppc-aros.tar.bz2
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
FileID: 1187
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 145  (Current version)
238  (Accumulated)
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This is an AROS port of the 52.x OS4 diskimage.device.

It is not to be confused with Thore Boeckelmann's diskimage.device, since it is
a from scratch development and not based on it in any way, so don't even bother
trying to use his GUI together with this device since it won't work (they are
incompatible in this way). The same mountlists can however be used for both

Some important notes:

In order to mount .hdf files you will probably need to specify the correct
HighCyl value for the .hdf file in question (FFS2 ignores this value if
LowCyl = 0 so this is not a problem on OS4).

In order to get localisation to work with the diskimage.device you may have to
move the line containing the following command in S:startup-sequence so that
it's located after the C:IPrefs command or the device will always use only the
builtin english strings:
C:Mount >NIL: DEVS:DOSDrivers/~(#?.info)


 - A PPC system capable of running AROS
 - expat.library - included
 - z.library (CISO, DAA, DAX, DMG and UIF plugins) - included
 - bz2.library (DMG plugin) - included
 - AISS -

Supported disk image formats:

 - adf    (Amiga Disk File)
 - adz    (gzipped adf file)
 - bin
 - ccd    (CloneCD)
 - cso    (Compressed ISO)
 - cpr    (same format as dsk)
 - cue
 - d64    (use with 1541-Handler)
 - daa
 - dax
 - dmg    (Apple disk image format)
 - dms    (DiskMaSher)
 - dsk    (CPCEmu, non-EXTENDED images only)
 - fdi
 - flac   (with embedded cue file)
 - gi     (untested)
 - hdf
 - img
 - iso    (CD/DVD)
 - mdf    (Daemon Tools/Alcohol)
 - mds    (Daemon Tools/Alcohol)
 - nrg    (Nero)
 - raw
 - toast  (Roxio Toast)
 - uif    (MagicISO)
 - wv     (with embedded cue file)


Put one of the included IDFx/ICDx mount files into DEVS:DOSDrivers (or
SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers in which case they will have to be mounted manually
with C:Mount before use).

To mount a disk image on ICD0:

MountDiskImage drive ICD0: imagefile.iso

To eject:

MountDiskImage drive ICD0: eject


52.32 (31-Aug-2012)
 - CUE plugin now uses libmpg123 for MP3 audio tracks (seeking is much faster
   because of this)
 - Added FLAC, Ogg Vorbis and WavPack audio tracks support to the CUE plugin
 - Added support for FLAC and WavPack files with embedded cuesheet information
 - Fixed a bug in READ TOC command when TIME bit is set (the returned address
   should be 0MSF and not HMSF)

52.31 (21-Feb-2012)
 - Rewrote HD_SCSICMD handling and moved some pretty general code away from
   plugins to the device where it belongs
 - Device now saves unit prefs in XML format (format is similar to that used
   in the OS4 version)

See in the archive for a complete list of changes.

File Version Size Date Dls Readme
diskimage.i386-aros.tar.bz252.34622kb05 Jan 15401¤ diskimage.device - Disk image device (adf,dms,iso,...)
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