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[Show comments] [Show snapshots] [Show videos] [Show content] [Replace file] AROS Themes & Backgrounds
Created by : Mithrandir
Themes included:
- arosminimal :
A minimal layout designed to take up as little space as possible around
the windows, while still being functional and looking nice.
- os4 :
A theme created as homage to the Amiga OS 4 window borders.
Based on the Gnome Amiga Bluetabs theme located at:
Backgrounds included:
- 1024black.png & 800black.png :
Dark theme featuring the AROS logo, and the AROS mascot.
- 1024white.png, 800white.png :
Light theme featuring the AROS logo, and the AROS mascot.
Other files:
drawerbg.png - Simple drawer background image.
readme.txt - The file you are reading now.
Theme installation:
Copy the theme files to System/Themes.
Edit your theme variable to the correct theme in ENV:SYS/theme.var.
NOTE: Themes will also work with the newly released 'theme manager'.
Hope you all enjoy!