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Description: Disk Validator GUI
Download:       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 12kb
Date: 11 Nov 07
Author: Peter Hutchison
Submitter: Peter Hutchison
Email: pjhutch/pcguru plus com
Category: utility/filetool
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
FileID: 266
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 316  (Current version)
316  (Accumulated)
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By Peter Hutchison
Version 1.0
Date 27/3/99
Requires: PFS2, DiskValid


Workbench front end for PFS2's repair program
called DiskValid. Supports all current options


Drag and drop, the program into the directory
of your choice. Please note, that the DiskValid
program must be either in the same directory
or in the command path. Preferred location is
in PFS2/Tools.


Disk    - Name of the disk to analyse or fix.
          Defaults to DH0:

Verbose - Displays names of all files being analysed,
          can be quite long but gives more details.

Fix     - Repairs any fixable errors found on the
          PFS2 volume

Analyse - Displays statistics and info about a volume

TD64    - Required for large partitions >4Gb but
          doesn't support direct scsi.

Start Check - Click this to start the DiskValid program

Cancel  - Quits out of the program (as does the close 

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