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Description: PrinterPS Preferences for AROS
Download:       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 34kb
Version: 1.2
Date: 14 Mar 09
Author: Peter Hutchison
Submitter: Peter Hutchison
Email: pjhutch/pcguru plus com
Requirements: aros-i386
Category: utility/print
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
FileID: 566
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 198  (Current version)
198  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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Short:  PrinterPS Preferences for AROS v40.5
Author: pjhutch() (Peter Hutchison)
Uploader: pjhutch() (Peter Hutchison)
Type: text/print
Architecture: i386-aros

This is the PrinterPS Preferences program for AROS.

 Create a Printers folder in Devs folder.
 Copy the PrinterPS preferences program to the Prefs folder.
The program has been written using SAS/C in AmigaOS 3.9 for 
initial build to aid testing and converted to AROS for i386
using Murks IDE cross development package.

This project has help me to:
* Learn how to program using Magic User Interface (MUI).
* Create a Localized program.
* How to develop for AROS
* How Printer Preferences work.
* How to use IFFParse to save/load preferences.
* Develop MUI menus

The inferface follows AROS guidelines: No close gadget for
Window and uses five buttons (rather than the traditional
three buttons): Test, Revert, Save, Use and Cancel.

Feb 2008: Updated code so it can use other Locales properly.
Feb 2009: Replaces NewMenu with MUI menu objects to make
          menus work.
Source code is enclosed to allow other developers understand
AROS and the Amiga more. Source is GPL so other may develop
it further. Just leave my name in.

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