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base64 is a command line utility which encodes and decodes files in this format
It can be used within a pipeline as an encoding or decoding filter, and is most
commonly used in this manner as part of an automated mail processing system.
============================ R E Q U I R E M E N T ==========================
base64 tested and worked fine on the following configurations:
- IcarOS i386 (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)
- AROS One i386 (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)
================================= U S A G E =================================
base64 -- Encode/decode file as base64. Call:
base64 [-e / -d] [options] [infile] [outfile]
-c, Print copyright information
-d, Decode base64 encoded file
-e, Encode file into base64
-n, Ignore errors when decoding
-u, Print this message
-v, Print version number
AROS.1> base64 -e Docs/b64.png RAM:b64.png.b64
AROS.1> base64 -d RAM:b64.png.b64 RAM:b64.png
AROS.1> base64 -c
This program is in the public domain.
AROS.1> version base64
base64 v1.5 by John Walker
================================ S O U R C E ================================
Compiled and improved from source
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