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DASM - a versatile macro assembler with support for several 8-bit
microprocessors including MOS 6502 & 6507, Motorola 6803, 68705 & 68HC11,
Hitachi HD6303 (extended Motorola 6801), and Fairchild F8.
============================ R E Q U I R E M E N T ==========================
DASM tested and worked fine on the following configurations:
- IcarOS i386 (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)
- AROS One i386 (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)
================================= U S A G E =================================
Copyright (c) 1988-2020 by the DASM team
Usage: dasm sourcefile [options]
-f# output format 1-3 (default 1)
-oname output file name (else a.out)
-lname list file name (else none generated)
-Lname list file, containing all passes
-sname symbol dump file name (else none generated)
-v# verboseness 0-4 (default 0)
-d debug mode (for developers)
-Dsymbol define symbol, set to 0
-Dsymbol=expression define symbol, set to expression
-Msymbol=sexpression define symbol using EQM (same as -D)
-Idir search directory for INCLUDE and INCBIN
-p# maximum number of passes
-P# maximum number of passes, with fewer checks
-T# symbol table sorting (default 0 = aplhabet, 1 = values)
-E# error format (default 0 = MS, 1 = Dillon, 2 = GNU)
-S strict syntax checking
-R remove binary output-file in case of errors
-m# safety barrier to abort on recursions,
max. allowed file-size in kB
Copyright (c) 1988-2008 by various authors
Usage: ftohex format infile [outfile]
format: 1 = DEFAULT, 2 = RAS, 3 = RAW
============================= C H A N G E L O G =============================
New in DASM version
* fixed support for forced word address x/y indexed (.wx / .wy)
* missing opcodes added for mc68hc908 controller
================================ S O U R C E ================================
Based on github version source
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home cross-compilation factory