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File Category Version Size Date Dls Readme
aaedt.zipnet/mis1.14kb06 Apr 07322¤ Aaedt - Archives AROS Exec Download Tool
aget.i386-aros.zipnet/mis112kb19 Apr 2251¤ AGet - Command Line Tool similar WGet with HTTPS Support
amicloud-v2.0_final.i386-aros.zipnet/mis2.0_Final4Mb18 Dec 1865¤ AmiCloud - Cloud Storage like dropbox ec..
amigg_beta.lhanet/mis0.44.52Mb03 Oct 07244¤ Amigg_beta - Instant Messaging program
amipad31fe.i386-aros.lhanet/mis3.124Mb02 Jan 2053¤ AmiPad 3.1 FE - useful HMTL5 apps and web site
amissl.i386-aros.zipnet/mis4.121Mb15 Mar 2351¤ AmiSSL - AmiSSL is a port of OpenSSL for AROS
arlan.lhanet/mis0.1223kb31 Jul 2142¤ ArLan - Simple "self-made" Gopher client for AROS
aros_shell_v01.zipnet/mis01142kb23 Feb 09187¤ Aros_shell_v01 - remote shell/backdoor (daemon kind)
aya06.lhanet/mis0.62Mb01 May 2142¤ AskYourAmiga - access wolfram alpha answer machine(wikipedia)
fping.i386-aros.lhanet/mis3.1074kb17 Aug 1583¤ fping - Show which network hosts are alive
iconecta.lhanet/mis5.202Mb05 Jun 2410¤ iConecta - A little and easy program to test your Internet
marranotelnet04.zipnet/mis0.418kb01 Nov 06356¤ Marranotelnet04 - The most marrano of the Telnet clients
muimapparium.i386-aros.lhanet/mis0.8671kb12 Feb 2058¤ MuiMapparium - Viewer
muimapparium.x86_64-aros-v11.lhanet/mis0.9739kb15 Mar 2324¤ MuiMapparium - OpenStreetMap Client
nsa.lhanet/mis0.1189kb07 Sep 1183¤ Nsa - NetworkSnoop-Aros
ntimed.i386-aros.lhanet/mis1.02310kb12 Jul 1570¤ ntimed - Network time synchronization client
ntpsync.i386-aros.lhanet/mis2.315kb03 Apr 13258¤ Ntpsync - Synchronize the clock with NTP
openurl.i386-aros.lhanet/mis7.18563kb26 Mar 2141¤ OpenURL - Get that URL!
rdesktop-1.6.0.i386-aros.zipnet/mis1.6.0404kb30 Mar 1976¤ rdesktop - rdp protocol server and client with gui
ssh2fs.i386-aros.lhanet/mis53.194kb28 Jun 2327¤ ssh2-handler - SSHv2 file system client
tcpprefsnet/misBeta166kb23 Jul 08¤ Tcpprefs - AROSTCPPrefs
tcpprefs.i386-aros.zipnet/mis1.097kb20 Apr 09232¤ Tcpprefs - AROSTCP Preferences Application
vnc-client-server.lhanet/mis1.05Mb18 Oct 2329¤ VNC-Client-Server - Aros VNC Client and Server
wget.i386-aros.zipnet/mis1.10.2200kb18 Feb 07356¤ Wget - Non-interactive download of files from the web
wget.src-aros.zipnet/mis1.10.21Mb18 Feb 07140¤ Wget - Sourcecode with metamake file for wget
wgetgui.src.i386.tar.gznet/mis2007031136kb11 Mar 07223¤ Wgetgui.src.i386 - GUI for Wget
wiiloader.lhanet/mis1.187kb04 Mar 09124¤ Wiiloader - A MUI-based Nintendo Wii loader utility (network).
wwwfetch.i386-aros.lhanet/mis0.134kb06 Mar 11115¤ Wwwfetch - wwwFetch
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